Sector Groups

There exist the same Sector Groups in each of the "self-contained communities" (Diaspora Regions) of mainly diaspora members, Haitians from Haiti, Friends of Haiti and other members.

Each Sector Group is a "working group" of people who come together with ideas and solutions to tackle Haiti's biggest issues, as well as recommend projects that benefit our global community.

Members can join the Sector Groups that are within each region they're most interested in contributing to based on their experiences, knowledge, and skills. Members can also simply follow sector groups they want to receive updates on.

The most impactful projects are decided by Sector Group Members, which they pass along to the Governing Committee for final review, evaluation, and funding of the projects.

Join Region Sector Groups to Participate in Discussions

By joining the sector groups you are interested in, you can participate in the discussions taking place about Haiti.

As Member of a Sector Group, you can:

  • Share your ideas about Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora.
  • Discuss issues relevant to the sector group.
  • Help Make a Difference for yourself and the Haitian people.
  • And much more.

Don't miss out on what's happening in your community

Stay in the know with the Haiti committees you're interested in