Autism509 and 11th Department is pleased to invite you to the webinar:
Empowering our community in a climate of stigma and exclusion
October 27, 2024, 7-9pm EST
Haitians face ongoing challenges marked by stigma, discrimination, and neglect, which affect the mental health of our people, especially those with different abilities. As we close Mental Health Awareness Month, let us unite to foster a strong, inclusive, and supportive community where everyone can thrive. “L’union fait la force”.
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Passcode: 053633027
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Haitians face ongoing challenges marked by stigma, discrimination, and neglect, which affect the mental health of our people, especially those with different abilities. As we close Mental Health Awareness Month, let us unite to foster a strong, inclusive, and supportive community where everyone can thrive. “L’union fait la force”.